Monday, July 28, 2014

Cabbage Rolls and Caprese Salad

Tonight's dinner featured a completely gluten free (and white sugar free, of course) meal.

I was advised by my mom that the best Cabbage Roll recipes are the ones with a little brown sugar in it and hooooray I found one on pinterest, here. It's a crockpot recipe.

And it's a lovely recipe! However, DO NOT BOIL THE CABBAGE LEAVES FOR TOO LONG. Or else you end up with a rather mushy mess to work with. However, as evident by the success of my beautiful cabbage rolls, It can be done! Never say never my friends. Also, I started the crockpot cooking a bit late so instead of cooking it on low for 6-8 hours I cooked it on high for a little over 3 1/2 and it worked out just fine. 

Here is my captive experimental dinner audience in the flesh, posing in just the way I forced them to. (but aren't they cute like that?! I think so :) .) 

And of course a Caprese salad always looks so colorful and lovely with any main course. We suffered the death of yet another basil plant recently, so in lieu of fresh basil I just sprinkled a little dried basil flakes on the top along with tomatoes, mozzarella, capers, olive oil and lots of balsamic vinegar. 

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